Stay Conscious Of The Foods You Eat
If the food you consume is covered in pesticides, artificials, chemicals and processed foods that leads our body to a low frequency and low energy. Low energy leads to lack of motivation and that leads to depression!
Go for pure and clean foods and vegetables and nuts which you can find only as ORGANIC.
– Always incorporate OLIVE OIL in your daily diet. Add Olive oil into everything you like.
– Start with a glass of green juice including Organic Green Apple, Coriander/Cilantro, Spinach,
Celery, Cucumber, Tomato and Spirulina or Chlorella powder.
Our body absorbs the juice right away after drinking. When you drink a nutritious healthy fresh juice,
your body quickly absorbs all the goodness inside the Organic veggies you consume, wasting nothing.
– Use Organic Almond Butter (or any other type of Organic nuts) which has a high amount of protein
in your diet to give you the energy you need.
– Add pure Organic HONEY in your daily diet.
Then wait…
Check yourself after 2-3 days to see how you feel. Your skin stars to glow immediately which is
a sign that getting the right nourishments is working. Your feeling will be gradually changing
and you will be feeling calmer with an amazing inner peace which is a great sign of elevated vibration.
Continue with this diet and monitor your changes everyday…
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